Neuralink Test 1.0

It’s Jank Thursday, so here’s a jank podcast and a jank comic. Enjoy!




Artist's Note:

Considering how trained we are in reacting to notifications…yeah I’m sure this’ll be the first obstacle to tackle. Our human minds are SO DUMB.


Writer's Note:

*begins typing with Neuralink*

So the thing about Neuralink is that my butt is itchy and boy is it warm today and are we all gonna die from climate change ??? and oh yeah what was I doing right right Elon Musk says he’s talked to the best neuroscientists and they don’t wanna buy Teslas because Robert Mueller is gonna makeout with Donald Trump and I think I could really go for a La Croix right now ~

Posted on July 25, 2019 and filed under Jank, Tech Stuff, WTF.